
本案位于横琴·华发峰尚,户型为120㎡,功能上需要满足一家四口的使用空间,平时主要还是围绕屋主的生活需求,我们将靠近主卧的房间打通,打造了一个公用衣帽间,用于一家人四季衣物储备的空间,这里同时也是屋主的书房,在材料的选择上多以自然材料为主,墙面用带有自然肌理的艺术涂料,地面是木地板结合墙体部分的木饰面装饰,适当的植物点缀,给空间氛围增添自然的气息This project is located in Hengqin · Huafa Peak, with a floor area of 120 square meters. The design needs to accommodate a family of four and primarily focuses on the homeowner's daily needs. We combined the room adjacent to the master bedroom to create a shared walk-in closet for storing the family's seasonal clothing. This space also serves as the homeowner's study. We predominantly used natural materials, with walls finished in artistic paint featuring natural textures, wooden flooring, and wood paneling on parts of the walls. The addition of some plants enhances the natural ambiance of the space.

Kitchen-Dining Space

Living-Dining Space

Multi-functional Room

Master Bedroom Space

Bathroom Space

Younger Brother's Room

Bathroom Space